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    All data inside a computer is transmitted as a series of electrical signals that are either on or off. Therefore, in order for a computer to be able to process any kind of data, including text, images and sound, they must be converted into binary form. If the data is not converted into binary – a series of 1s and 0s – the computer will simply not understand it or be able to process it.

    In order for a computer to store data, it must represent it in some format. Below are some common ways that different types of data can be represented, including text, images and sound. Match the image with the description. 


      Text – when any key on a keyboard is pressed, it needs to be converted into a binary number. The computer can then process it and the typed character can appear on the screen.


        Image – when viewed on our screens digital images are made up of pixels. Each pixel in an image is made up of binary numbers.


          Sound – a microphone captures audio and then converts it into a digital signal. The signals can then be converted to binary.